daemonize plugin

IMPORTANT NOTE: This plugin should not be used any more and it will throw an error and prevent Haraka from starting.
Daemonization is now built into Haraka. If the 'daemon' module is installed you simply set daemonize=true in config/smtp.ini now.

To use this plugin you have to install the 'daemon' module by running 'npm install daemon' in your Haraka configuration directory.
If daemon is not found then the plugin will log a notice and Haraka will continue running in the foreground.

This plugin should be listed at the top of your config/plugins file so that Haraka goes into the background before any other plugins are run.


This plugin looks for daemonize.ini in your configuration directory and the following options can be set:

  • log_file (default: /var/log/haraka.log)
    The file that STDOUT should be redirected to. It is recommended that you use this plugin with the log.syslog plugin instead.
  • pid_file (default: /var/run/haraka.pid)
    File where the master process PID should be written to. If this file cannot be locked then start-up will fail.


A RedHat/CentOS compatible init-script is provided for use with this module which can be found in the plugins directory called haraka.init.
It should be copied to /etc/init.d/haraka and registered with 'chkconfig --add haraka' to activate haraka at system boot.

The init-script presumes that Haraka is installed as /usr/local/bin/haraka and main configuration file is /etc/haraka/config/smtp.ini.
If this is not the case on your system, then you should create the file /etc/sysconfig/haraka which accepts the following configuration:

  • exec (default: exec=/usr/local/bin/haraka)
    The path to Haraka script
  • config (default: config=/etc/haraka/config/smtp.ini)
    The path to the Haraka smtp.ini configuration script
  • max_open_files (default: 65535)
    The maximum number of open files allowed per process. If you are running Haraka using the 'cluster' module, then this is the per-child limit.
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