queue/rabbitmq plugin

This plugin delivers mails to rabbitmq queue for further processing.


  • config/rabbitmq.ini This config file provides server address and port of rabbitmq server to deliver with other configs of queues and exchange.
    ; This is name of exchange.
    exchangeName  = emailMessages
    ; ip and port of the server.
    server_ip = localhost
    server_port = 5672
    ; user and password
    user = guest
    password = guest
    ; name of the queue which reader will read
    queueName = email
    ; This is for making it persistant while publishing message
    deliveryMode = 2
    ; If true it will require ack for marking it complete from worker
    confirm = true
    ; Again for persistance passed while creating queue
    durable = true
    ; if true will delete queue if publisher quits
    autoDelete = false
    ; type of the exchange
    exchangeType = direct

More information about rabbitmq can be found at https://www.rabbitmq.com/